Wings of


I was at the threshold of dealing with my mothers passing. Despite repeated conversations with doctors and health providers, my father was committed to the fact that my mother was doing very well and would be around for quite some time. The conflict between what my father believed and the unfolding truth would be pronounced by an appearance of an owl. This experience would mark the beginning of my acceptance of the final days with my mother...


While waiting outside with my mother on a bright sunny day, a very large owl swooped down and passed right in front of me and my mother. The experience was both startling and thrilling. I had never witnessed in nature such a huge owl up close. When my father joined us I pointed to the bird perched on a near by branch. My father then immediately called out to the bird so as to shoo it away! I felt something was significantly strange about the large bird’s presence and how my father reacted so strongly...

When my father joined us I pointed to the bird perched on a near by branch. My father then immediately called out to the bird so as to shoo it away! I felt something was significantly strange about the large bird’s presence and how my father reacted so strongly. Instead of observing the beautiful creature up close and being amazed by its presence, he almost by impulse drove it off the property. He was not able to observe quietly and with wonder what was right before him - the owl and my mother’s impending passing. He was unable to be still, to observe the beauty and mystery of the moment and just be a sacred witness. So moved by the experience I  later did an online search and found these Native American meanings for the symbolism of owls.




  • If the owl, was seen perched on trees near the home, it was a foreboding of death among near relatives.

  • The traditional meaning of the owl spirit animal is the announcer of death, most likely symbolic like a life transition, change

  • Intuition, ability to see what others do not see

  • Wisdom

Grace took the time to sit down with me and discuss what I was looking for in this piece. She listened intently to my story and was able to take my mothers existing jewelry and recreate it to symbolize this significant moment with my mother. She created a layered side to the ring symbolizing the wings of the owl and used both white gold and gold representing mother and daughter coming together to share this moment. She is guided by the combination of talent and intuition. She was able to skillfully and artistically encompass a memory that I will cherish forever. - Sheila G.
