
in Silver


As a Fitness Trainer I wanted a custom, unique pendant. Being committed to fitness this unique Dumbbell pendant was designed by Grace. For me it represents my motivation, strength and physicality. 

The sketching phase is an initial way for a customer to see a general design.

The sketching phase is an initial way for a customer to see a general design.

Working with hard wax the design begins almost like a sketch.

Working with hard wax the design begins almost like a sketch.

Becoming less two dimensional.

Becoming less two dimensional.

The wax model is ready to cast. The wax model form is more bulky than the finished piece.

The wax model is ready to cast. The wax model form is more bulky than the finished piece.

Once cast there is a lot of work and refining to be done to the piece for it too look like the picture below!

Once cast there is a lot of work and refining to be done to the piece for it too look like the picture below!

Grace will work closely with you on the details of your design, helping you with all options and guide you through each step until it is perfect. Thank you Grace for this awesome piece.
— Johnie G.